scorcio di PalomonteThe town is on a rock but develops on the side of the mountain, in Vonghia stream valley.
Madonna di Sperlonga church is very picturesque; it was built near a cave (sperlonga) around XI century a.C. According to a legend, this area was indicated in a dream to a young shepherdess as the place on which it would have snowed in August. It is a very interesting architectural building, containing wonderful frescos made in XI century.
The music festival Tanagro-Sele and “Fricassea” (entrails of ovine and goats) festival are really nice (in August).



History of Palomonte

The first inhabitants went to live in the caves on Jazzo stream, as the ruins of some water-mills testify. According to some scholars Palomonte is the ancient Numistrone, mentioned by Plinius and Plutarch. During Punic wars, in this area there was a battle between Cartagens and consol Marcello.
At the fall of Roman Empire, Palomonte belonged to Longobards that built a castle and then to Normans. The feud was ruled by Parisani da Tolentino from 1600 to 1802 when feudalism was abolished.
In 1860 it was annexed to Italy. In 1862 the name changed from Palo into Palomonte with a Royal Decree. Maybe this name comes from "pal", that is rock, mountain or "palaios", an ancient name that indicated many towns on Mediterranean Sea.
The following years were characterised by brigandage and emigration.


Monument and natural beauties

  • Monte Tre Croci woods
  • Madonna di Sperlonga church is very picturesque; it was built near a cave (sperlonga) around XI century a.C. According to a legend, this area was indicated in a dream to a young shepherdess as the place on which it would have snowed in August. It is a very interesting architectural building, containing wonderful frescos made in XI century portraying San Cosma, San Saba and the remains of the “Ascensione della Madonna Odigitria” (who indicates the path)
  • Santa Maria Annunziata Church (early-Christian), built in V-VI century. There is a wonderful stone portal decorated wiht Our Lady holding a pomegranate
  • Santa Croce Church, with Aragon columns and a XVIII century façade
  • San Cosimo e Damiano Church
  • Madonna delle Grazie Church
  • Minori Osservanti Monastery, built between 1582 and 1602, with a wonderful cloister (the modern town hall)
  • Castello di Palo ruins
  • Grotte della Palomba, caves under Sperlonga church. They were used for sacrificial and propitiatory rites during Neolithic age. Outside there is a graffito of Middle Ages period. On the portal of a ruined mill there are some incisions. 

    Photo of Palomonte



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